Function : Administration Process
ADMINReqDeleteInNAB - Create a "Delete in Address Book" request.
#include <adminp.h>
DBHANDLE dbhAdmin4,
char far *chAuthor,
char far *chUserName,
char far *chMailServerName,
char far *chMailFileName,
char far *chDeleteMailFile,
ADMINReqParams far *arpAdminReqParamsPtr,
WORD wAdminReqParamsSize);
This function creates a "Delete in Address Book" request in the Administration Requests database (admin4.nsf).
Parameters : Input : dbhAdmin4 - Handle of the Administration Request database (admin4.nsf) that is the destination of the created Admin Request note.
chAuthor - A pointer to the Author's name (hierarchical names MUST be in canonical format).
chUserName - A pointer to the User's name being deleted (hierarchical names MUST be in canonical format).
chMailServerName - A pointer to the Mail Server name (hierarchical names MUST be in canonical format).
chMailFileName - A pointer to the Mail file name including path relative to the Domino data directory.
chDeleteMailFile - A pointer to a string indicating whether to delete the mail file:
"0" = Don't delete mail file
"1" = Delete just mail file specified in person record
"2" = Delete mail file specified in person record & all replicas
wAdminReqParamsSize - Size of the buffer (ADMINReqParams structure) that the arpAdminReqParamsPtr parameter points to.
Output : (routine) - Return status of the call - indicates either success or what the error is.
ERR_xxx - Error returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to interpret code.
arpAdminReqParamsPtr - Pointer to an ADMINReqParams structure.
Sample Usage :
if (error = NSFDbOpen (AdminDBPath, &hAdminReq))
return (ERR(error));
if (error = ADMINReqDeleteInNAB (
"CN=Alan Admin/O=Org",
"CN=Joe User/O=Org",
sizeof(ARPptr)) )
error = NSFDbClose (hAdminReq);
return (ERR(error));