Function : Agents
AgentRun - Run an Agent.
#include <agents.h>
HAGENT hAgent,
DHANDLE hSelection,
DWORD dwFlags);
Given a handle to an open Agent (created by calling AgentOpen()) and a handle to an Agent runtime context (created by calling AgentCreateRunContext()), run the agent.
If the agent is not a LotusScript agent and it requires input from the UI, (for example the agent is to run on seclected documents), you will get the error, ERR_AGENT_UI_TRIGGER: "Unsupported trigger and search in the background or embedded agent"
If a background agent erroneously refers to the UI (front-end) classes, you will get an error.
Parameters : Input : hAgent - Handle to the open Agent.
hAgentCtx - Handle to the Agent run-time context.
hSelection - Reseved; must be 0.
dwFlags - Optional - can be 0. See AGENT_xxx for other possible values.
Output : (routine) - Return indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - Operation was successful.
ERR_xxx - STATUS returned from a lower-level unction call.
Sample Usage :
/* Given the handle of the database and the Agent name, find the Note ID for
the Agent.*/
status = NIFFindDesignNote (hDb, pAgentName, NOTE_CLASS_FILTER, &AgentID);
if (status == ERR_NOT_FOUND)
status = NIFFindPrivateDesignNote (hDb, pAgentName, NOTE_CLASS_FILTER,
/* Open the Agent */
status = AgentOpen (hDb, AgentId, &hOpenAgent);
/* Create the Agent Run Context */
status = AgentCreateRunContext (hOpenAgent, NULL, (DWORD) 0,
/* Run the Agent */
status = AgentRun (hOpenAgent, hOpenAgentCtx, (DHANDLE) 0, (DWORD) 0);
/* Destroy the Agent Run Context */
AgentDestroyRunContext (hOpenAgentCtx);
/* Close the Agent */
AgentClose (hOpenAgent);