Function : iCalendar
CalGetNewInvitations - Retrieve invitations in a mailfile that have not yet been responded to. This returns the number of new invitations as well as optional NOTEID and/or UNID lists.
#include <calapi.h>
STATUS CalGetNewInvitations(
DWORD dwFlags,
Retrieve invitations in a mailfile that have not yet been responded to. This returns the number of new invitations as well as optional NOTEID and/or UNID lists. This returns only invitations (and delegated invitations), and not reschedules, information updates, cancels, etc. This method does not filter out any invitations that have since been canceled/rescheduled, or are otherwise out of date. Once the invitation is accepted, other notices that apply to that meeting can be discovered with a call to CalGetUnappliedNotices must be used (on a per-UID level).Only invitations for meetings that are current (at least one instance starts within the last day or in the future) are returned, although the starting time can be specified by the caller to override the default.A caller can retrieve only invitations that have arrived since a prior call to CalGetNewInvitations by using tdSince and ptdretUntil.If pszUID is provided, invitations only for a particular meeting will be returned. This is useful if you are looking for an invitation or invitations that correspond to an updated notice that has arrived. Note: Mutliple invitations might exist for a particular UID if that meeting is recurring and you were added to an instance or instances after the initial creation.The returned notices are not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
Parameters : Input : hDB - The database from which entries are returned.
ptdStart - Optional: If provided, only invitations for meetings that occur on or after this time will be returned.Passing in NULL will use the default value (one day before current time).
pszUID - Optional: If present only invitations with a matching UID will be returned. Note: For some repeating meetings there could be multiple invites for the same UID (for separate instances).
ptdSince - Optional: Only return invitations that have been received/modified since the provided time.Passing in NULL will return invitations regardless of when they arrived.
ptdretUntil - Optional: If provided, this is populated with the time of this method call, which can then be used as the ptdSince argument of a subsequent call.
pReserved - RESERVED - MUST be NULL
dwFlags - Flags - currently unused
Output : (routine) - Status of the function
pwNumInvites - The number of invitaitons returned (and thus also the length of phRetNOTEIDs and/or phRetUNIDs).Ignored if NULL.
phRetNOTEIDs - Handle to the returned NOTEID data. It is the caller's responsibility to free this memory via OSMemoryFree (if non-NULL). Access the data via casting the result of OSMemoryLock to a (NOTEID*).Ignored if NULL.
phRetUNIDs - Handle to the returned UNID data. It is the caller's responsibility to free this memory via OSMemoryFree (if non-NULL). Access the data via casting the result of OSMemoryLock to a (UNID*).Ignored if NULL.