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Function : iCalendar
CalGetUnappliedNotices - Retrieve the unapplied notices that exist for a participant of calendar entry representing a meeting.

#include <calapi.h>
STATUS CalGetUnappliedNotices(

    const char*pszUID,
    DWORD  dwFlags,
Description :

Retrieve the unapplied notices that exist for a participant of calendar entry representing a meeting. This will return things like: Reschedules, informational updates, cancelations, confirmations, etc. Notices will only be returned if the initial invitaiton has already been responded to, otherwise this method will return ERR_INVITE_NOT_ACCEPTED. For recurring meetings, notices that apply to any instances in the series will be returned, with the exception of instances where the initial invitation has not yet been responded to. Calendar entries that are not meetings will return ERR_INVALID_NOTE. We do not currently support getting unprocessed calendar entries if you are the owner (such as a counter proposal request or a request for updated information), so this will return ERR_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED. Note: For recurring meetings, it is possible that multiple notices will contain current information for a particular occurence, so it is not possible to guarantee that there is a single "most current" notice. For example, the subject might be changed for a single instance, and then the time may be changed across instances. Because only one notice will have the current subject and another notice will have the current time but NOT the current subject, both notices will be returned and both must be processed to guarantee accuracy. Process returned notices via the CalNoticeAction method.

Parameters : Input : hDB - The database to search for calendar entries.

pszUID - The UID of the entry to return notices for.

pReserved - RESERVED - MUST be NULL.

dwFlags - Flags - currently unused.


Output : pwNumNotices - The number of unapplied notices for this meeting (and thus also the length of phRetNOTEIDs and/or phRetUNIDs if they are non-NULL). Ignored if NULL.

phRetNOTEIDs - Handle to the returned NOTEID data. It is the caller's responsibility to free this memory via OSMemoryFree (if non-NULL). Access the data via casting the result of OSMemoryLock to a (NOTEID*). Ignored if NULL.

phRetUNIDs - Handle to the returned UNID data. It is the caller's responsibility to free this memory via OSMemoryFree (if non-NULL). Access the data via casting the result of OSMemoryLock to a (UNID*). Ignored if NULL.

See Also :