Function : Compound Text
CompoundTextAssimilateBuffer - Append the contents in PABID's (Personal Address Book ID's ) of a compound text buffer to a compound text context.
#include <easycd.h>
STATUS CompoundTextAssimilateBuffer(
DHANDLE hCompound,
void *pvData,
DWORD dwDataLen);
Append the contents of a compound text buffer to a compound text context.
The contents are adjust in that PABID's (Personal Address Book ID's ) and styles defined in the source are renumbered and/or renamed as necessary to fit into the destination context.
Parameters : Input : hCompound - Compound context handle.
pvData - Void pointer to store the data.
dwDataLen - Length, in bytes, of the data provide in pData.
Output : (routine) - if error ,returns ERR_MISC_INVALID_ARGS error ,else NOERROR.
Sample Usage :
void *pvData = OSLock(void, hMainOutputBuffer);
DWORD dwLen = 0;
STATUS error = OSMemGetSize(hMainOutputBuffer, &dwLen);
if (NOERROR == error)
error = CompoundTextAssimilateBuffer(hCompound, pvData, dwLen);