Function : Compound Text
CompoundTextClose - Closes a CompoundText context.
#include <easycd.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC CompoundTextClose(
DHANDLE hCompound,
DHANDLE far *phReturnBuffer,
DWORD far *pdwReturnBufferSize,
char far *pchReturnFile,
WORD wReturnFileNameSize);
This routine closes a CompoundText context. The behavior of this function depends upon whether the CompoundText context was created as a StandaloneContext or as an ItemContext.
When closing an ItemContext, only the hCompound parameter should be specified.
All other parameters should be NULL or 0:
nError = CompoundTextClose (hCompound, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
If nError is not equal to NOERROR, the CompoundTextDiscard routine must be called as part of the error processing in order to free the resources allocated by the CompoundText Context.
Recall that an ItemContext is associated with a Domino document. Use NSFNoteUpdate after CompoundTextClose to update and save the document.
When closing a StandaloneContext, all parameters should be specified. The contents of the StandaloneContext is returned in either a buffer or a file.
If the contents of the StandaloneContext fits in a single segment of memory (less than 64K bytes), then a handle to a buffer will be returned in the phReturnBuffer parameter and the size of the data stored in the buffer will be returned in the pdwReturnBufferSize parameter.
If the contents of the StandaloneContext does not fit in a single segment of memory, the contents will be written to a temporary file. In this case, the string pointed to by pchReturnFile gets the name of the temporary file, phReturnBuffer gets NULLHANDLE, and pdwReturnBufferSize gets zero.
The returned buffer or file is a monolithic TYPE_COMPOSITE item. The buffer or file begins with the data type word. The data type word is always in Host format. The remainder of the data is in Domino Canonical format.
When this routine returns any error code other than NOERROR, the CompoundTextDiscard routine must be called as part of the error processing in order to free the resources allocated by the CompoundText Context.
With StandaloneContext, the caller is responsible for freeing the buffer or deleting the file that was returned by this routine.
Parameters : Input : hCompound - Handle of the CompoundText context to close.
wReturnFileNameSize - Size of buffer pointed to by the pchReturnFile parameter. This parameter should be specified as 0 if an ItemContext is being closed.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:
NOERROR - Successfully closed the CompoundText context. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions: (memory management, file operations, network errors, etc.). There are so many possible causes, that it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.
phReturnBuffer - Pointer to a HANDLE where the handle of the buffer containing the TYPE_COMPOSITE item will be returned; NULLHANDLE when the data is returned in a file. This parameter should be specified as NULL if an ItemContext is being closed.
pdwReturnBufferSize - Pointer to a DWORD where the number of bytes in the buffer will be returned. This parameter should be specified as NULL if an ItemContext is being closed.
pchReturnFile - Pointer to a buffer where the fully qualified path name of the file containing the TYPE_COMPOSITE item will be returned. This buffer should have size MAXPATH. This parameter should be specified as NULL if an ItemContext is being closed.
Sample Usage :
STATUS Status;
DWORD dwReturnCDSize;
DHANDLE hCompound, hReturnCD;
char achReturnCDFile[MAXPATH];
Status = CompoundTextCreate(NULLHANDLE, NULL, &hCompound);
if (Status != NOERROR)
return Status;
/* Add text... */
Status = CompoundTextClose(hCompound,
(sizeof achReturnCDFile)-1);
if (Status != NOERROR)
return Status;
/* Process the data, then clean up. */
if (hReturnCD != NULLHANDLE)
/* Do something with data in a buffer... */
/* ... then free the buffer */
/* Do something with data in a file... */
/* ... then delete the temp. file */
remove (achReturnCDFile);