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Function : Dir
DirCtxCreateDominoPerson - Create an in-memory dominoPerson entry.

#include <dirctx.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC DirCtxCreateDominoPerson(

    DIRCTX  hCtx,
    const char *name,
    const char *lastName,
    DIRENTRY *hEntry);
Description :

Create an in-memory dominoPerson entry. Note that the entry is not actually written to the directory until a subsequent DirEntryUpdate() operation. This API supports the promotion of existing non-Domino person entries (typically in an LDAP based directory) to be full dominoPerson entry. It also supports the creation of a dominoPerson entry from scratch.

Parameters : Input : hCtx - Directory context for this operation.

name - The Notes name of the person to be added, specified in Notes distinguished name or abbreviated name syntax. An entry by this name must not exist in domainName.

lastName - The last name of the person.

hEntry - If non-NULL on input, this indicates that a Person entry in a non-Domino directory (typically LDAP based) is to be "registered" as a DominoPerson. The input handle is typically obtained from a previous DirCtxSearchByName or similar search/lookup/get operation. If NULL on input, then a new DominoPerson entry will be created from scratch and returned via this parameter.

Output : (routine) - Status code: NOERROR on success. ERR_DN_PARSE ERR_DIR_NULL_ARGUMENT If itemName is NULL. ERR_DIR_INVALID_ARGUMENT ERR_DIR_MUST_PROMOTE An ERR status on failure indicating the problem.

hEntry - If non-NULL on input, this indicates that a Person entry in a non-Domino directory (typically LDAP based) is to be "registered" as a DominoPerson. The input handle is typically obtained from a previous DirCtxSearchByName or similar search/lookup/get operation. If NULL on input, then a new DominoPerson entry will be created from scratch and returned via this parameter.

See Also : DirEntryUpdate