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#include <ft.h>

    DHANDLE far *phSearch,
    char far *Query,
    DWORD  Options,
    WORD  Limit,
    DHANDLE  hIDTable,
    DWORD far *retNumDocs,
    DHANDLE far *Reserved,
    DHANDLE far *rethResults);
Description :

This function returns the result of a full text search.

The first argument of FTSearch is the handle to the database that is to be searched.

The second argument is a pointer to a handle to a full text search. You must first call FTOpenSearch to obtain this handle and allocate resources for it.
Once the search is completed, use FTCloseSearch to close the full text search handle and deallocate the memory associated with it. Please note that this handle may be modified by the FTSearch.

The third argument is a collection handle. Use NULLHANDLE if you want to search all documents in the database. Use a collection handle (obtained from NIFOpenCollection) in conjunction with the FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL Option argument in order to find documents in a particular view that match the query. The FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL option will associate an FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table with the collection handle. You may then obtain the results of the search by performing NIFReadEntries on this collection using one of the NAVIGATE_xxx_HIT flags (see Symbolic Values, NAVIGATE_xxx, NAVIGATE_xxx [NEXTxxx], NAVIGATE_xxx [PREVxxx]).

The fourth argument is a pointer to a query string. The rule for the query syntax is documented in "To use operators to refine a search," in the "Searching for Information" section of the Notes Help database.

The fifth argument is a bit mask of search options. These options may be combined by bitwise OR-ing them together. See FT_SEARCH_xxx for a list of these options.

The sixth argument is the maximum number of documents to be returned. You may pass in 0 to obtain the maximum number of results for the search.

The set of documents that are to be searched may be further restricted by providing a handle to an ID Table as the seventh argument. You must fill the ID Table with references to the documents you want searched.

The returned results of the full text search is in one of four specified formats. Use the FT_SEARCH_xxx options to specify one of four formats for the result. See the description of the rethResults argument below for an explanation of each of the result formats. In addition, if the FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL option is specified, then the collection handle used as the third argument to FTSearch will internally be associated with an FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table. In this case, you may obtain the results of the search by performing NIFReadEntries on this collection using one of the NAVIGATE_xxx_HIT flags (see Symbolic Values, NAVIGATE_xxx, NAVIGATE_xxx [NEXTxxx], NAVIGATE_xxx [PREVxxx]). When using the FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL option, you can access each entry's search score, by using the FT_SEARCH_SCORES search option in FTSearch and setting the READ_MASK_SCORE ReadFlag in NIFReadEntries.

Parameters : Input : hDB - The handle to the open database to be searched.

phSearch - Pointer to the search handle previous allocated in FTOpenSearch.

hColl - Collection handle of view that is to receive an FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table if the FT_SEARCH_SET_COL option is specified. Use NULLHANDLE to search all documents in the database.

Query - Pointer to a string containing a query. Follow the syntax rules as described in "To use operators to refine a search," in the "Searching for Information" section of the Notes 5 Help database.

Options - Search options (see FT_SEARCH_xxx). Options may be or'd together.

Limit - Maximum number of documents to return. Use 0 to return the maximum number of results for the search. For more information about specifying the maximum number of results in a full text search, see the Domino Administration Help database.

hIDTable - Handle to an ID table to further refine the search. Use NULLHANDLE if this is not required.

Output : (routine) - Return status of the call - indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:


ERR_FT_NOMATCHES - No documents were found by this search. Arguments used in a previous call to FTSearch remain valid.

ERR_xxx - Error returned by lower level C API functions. Call OSLoadString to interpret the code.

phSearch - This handle may be modified by the FTSearch API.

retNumDocs - Pointer to the returned number of documents found.

Before any further processing, be sure to check the value of this field after calling the API. If no document is returned (retNumDocs==0), do not lock the rethResults because this handle will be a NULLHANDLE.

Reserved - Reserved for future use. Pass in NULL for this parameter.

rethResults - Pointer to returned handle to the search results. The search results are either in an ID Table or in an FT_SEARCH_RESULTS structure, depending on whether FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL and/or FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE were set in the Options argument.

FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL not set, FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE not set: An FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table is allocated and returned to the caller in *rethResults.

FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL not set, FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE set: An ID Table is allocated and returned to the caller in *rethResults.

FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL set, FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE not set: An FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table is set in the collection. NULLHANDLE is returned in *rethResults.

FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL set, FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE set: An FT_SEARCH_RESULTS table is set in the collection. An ID Table is allocated and returned to the caller in *rethResults.

Except in the case where FT_SEARCH_SET_COLL set, and FT_SEARCH_RET_IDTABLE is not set, rethResults will be NULLHANDLE if no documents are returned from FTSearch.

If FTSearch returns a non-NULLHANDLE in *rethResults, then use OSLock to obtain a pointer to the returned results. After processing the returned results, use OSUnlockObject to unlock the pointer and OSMemFree to free the memory associated with this handle.