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Function : ID Table
IDDeleteTable - Delete a given set of IDs from an ID Table.

#include <idtable.h>

    DHANDLE  hTable,
    DHANDLE  hIDsToDelete);
Description :

This function deletes the IDs specified in one ID Table from a source ID Table. If an ID that is specified as "to be deleted" does not exist in the source ID Table, it is ignored.

This function will set the IDTABLE_MODIFIED flag if at least one ID was deleted from the ID Table.

This function is similar to IDDelete. IDDelete can delete only one ID at a time. This function can be used to delete a set of IDs.

Parameters : Input : hTable - Handle to the source ID Table. This table will not contain those IDs specified in the hIDsToDelete table upon successful completion of this function.

hIDsToDelete - Handle to the table of IDs to be deleted from hTable. The resulting table will not contain IDs that are in this table.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - Success.

ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user.

hTable - The resulting table. The source ID Table is replaced by the resulting ID Table.

See Also : IDCreateTable IDInsertTable IDDelete