Function : MIME
MIMEHeaderNameToItemName - Map an Internet header name to a Notes item name, optionally providing additional information about the item.
#include <mime.h>
WORD wMessageType,
char *pszHeaderName,
char *pszHeaderBody,
char *retszItemName,
WORD wItemNameSize,
WORD *retwHeaderType,
WORD *retwItemFlags,
WORD *retwDataType);
This function accepts an input header name and returns the corresponding Notes item name, along with optional additional information such as the item flags and data type.
You must specify as input the message type (default: MIME_HEADER_MAP_EMAIL), a pointer to the ASCIIZ header name (e.g., "To"), an optional pointer to the header "body" (i.e., everything after the header name, ':', space), a pointer to an output buffer for the ASCIIZ item name, the size of the output item name buffer (including the terminating '\0' character), an optional pointer to the output header type, an optional pointer to the output item flags, and an optional pointer to the output item data type.
Upon entry MIMEHeaderNameToItemName writes a null byte, '\0', to the output item name buffer, sets the output header type to MIME_HEADER_FORMAT_TEXT, sets the output item flags to 0, and sets the output data type to TYPE_TEXT.
If the input header name is a Content header --e.g., Content-Transfer-Encoding-- MIMEHeaderNameToItemName returns the Content header name with a '$' prefix --e.g., $Content-Transfer-Encoding-- in the output item name buffer. The output header type and output item flags are returned with their initial values as described above.
If MIMEHeaderNameToItemName finds an item name for the input header name, it returns the item name in the output item name buffer. It also returns the output header type, output item flags, and output data type that were found with the output item name.
If MIMEHeaderNameToItemName cannot find an item name for the input header name and the input header name is 'X-Notes-Item', MIMEHeaderNameToItemName checks the input header body pointer. If the pointer is NULL, MIMEHeaderNameToItemName returns the ERR_MISC_INVALID_ARGS error; otherwise, it parses the header body for the item name, returning it in the output item buffer. In addition, it parses the header body for the the output header type, output item flags, and output data type, returning the parsed values.
Parameters : Input : wMessageType - Type of message: MIME_HEADER_MAP_XXXX
pszHeaderName - Pointer to input ASCIIZ RFC822 header name
pszHeaderBody - Optional pointer to ASCIIZ RFC822 header body (for processing X-Notes-Item headers)
wItemNameSize - Size of item name buffer (including '\0' terminator).
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Successfully converted the note. ERR_MISC_INVALID_ARGS - If input header name is X-Notes-Item and 'pszHeaderBody' is NULL. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.
retszItemName - Pointer to output ASCIIZ item name buffer.
retwHeaderType - Optional pointer to output header type: MIME_HEADER_FORMAT_XXXX
retwItemFlags - Optional pointer to output item flags: ITEM_XXXX
retwDataType - Optional pointer to output data type: TYPE_XXXX
Sample Usage :
#define MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN 32
char aszItemName[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN];
WORD wHeaderType;
WORD wItemFlags;
WORD wDataType;
STATUS error;
if (error = MIMEHeaderNameToItemName(
MIME_HEADER_MAP_EMAIL, // Type of Message
"To", // RFC822 Header Name
NULL, // Optional RFC822 Header Body (for
processing X-Notes-Item headers)
aszItemName, // Return Item Name Buffer
MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN, // Size of Item Name Buffer (including
'\0' terminator)
&wHeaderType, // Optional Return the Type of Header:
&wItemFlags, // Optional Return Item Flags: ITEM_XXXX
&wDataType )) { // Optional Return Data Type: TYPE_XXXX
goto exit;