Function : MIME
MIMEStreamWrite - put a buffer to a MIME stream.
#include <mime.h>
int LNPUBLIC MIMEStreamWrite(
unsigned char *pchData,
unsigned int uiDataLen,
This function, MIMEStreamWrite, writes a buffer to the input MIME stream. You must specify as input a pointer to a buffer, an unsigned int with the number of bytes to write, and the handle to the MIME stream.
MIMEStreamWrite returns MIME_STREAM_SUCCESS if the buffer is written with no errors and MIME_STREAM_IO if there are any errors when it attempts to write to the MIME stream.
Parameters : Input : pchData - a pointer to a write buffer.
uiDataLen - the number of bytes to write from the write buffer.
hMIMEStream - a MIME stream handle
Output : (routine) - returns MIME_STREAM_SUCCESS or MIME_STREAM_IO
Sample Usage :
int iReturn;
char pchBuf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
if ((iReturn = MIMEStreamWrite(pchBuf, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, hMIMEStream)) ==
goto exit;