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Function : MIME
MMSetMaxHops - set Conversion Controls 'maximum number of hops' setting

#include <mailmisc.h>
void LNPUBLIC MMSetMaxHops(

    WORD  wMaxHops);
Description :

The function MMSetMaxHops sets the Conversions Controls 'maximum number of hops' setting to the input value, wMaxHops. No checking is done for out of bounds values.

Parameters : Input : hCC - a handle to a Conversion Controls context from a previous call to MMCreateConvControls.

wMaxHops - the value to use for the Conversion Controls 'set maximum number of hops' setting.

Output : (routine) - void

Sample Usage :

MMSetMaxHops(hCC, 25); /* Used to create $Hops when importing (default is 25) 
See Also : MMGetMaxHops CCHANDLE