Function : Message Queues
MQPut - Adds a message to the specified message queue.
#include <mq.h>
WORD Priority,
char far *Buffer,
WORD Length,
DWORD Options);
This function adds a message to the specified message queue. The message will be placed in the queue according to the value of its priority argument - higher priority messages will be enqueued ahead of lower priority messages.
If the queue is full or in a QUIT state, the message will not be put in the queue, and the function will return an appropriate error code.
Parameters : Input : Queue - The handle of the queue that will receive the message.
Priority - The priority of this message. See xxxPRIORITY.
Buffer - A pointer to the buffer containing the message. Maximum buffer length is MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE.
Length - Length of the message in bytes.
Options - Reserved. Must be 0.
Output : (routine) - NOERROR ERR_MQ_EMPTY - The specified queue is either empty or not a valid message queue. ERR_MQ_QUITTING - The queue's quit flag is set. ERR_MQ_EXCEEDED_QUOTA - The message queue is full and cannot take another message. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. There are so many possible causes, that it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user.
See Also : MQClose MQCreate MQGet MQHANDLE MQIsQuitPending MQOpen MQPutQuitMsg MQScan MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE MQ_xxx (Get) MQ_xxx (Open)