Function : Mail Gateway
MailAddMessageBodyTextExt - Converts a text file and adds it as body item(s) to a message, allowing use of NLS_INFO structure.
#include <mailserv.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC MailAddMessageBodyTextExt(
DHANDLE hMessage,
char far *ItemName,
char far *InputFileName,
char far *LineDelim,
WORD ParaDelim,
This function converts a text file to composite text and adds it as body item(s) to a message, allowing the use of the NLS_INFO structure. This function creates multiple items of the same name and therefore is not limited to 64KB of input.
Parameters : Input : hMessage - Open message handle.
ItemName - Text item name (null-terminated). Optional - NULL is "Body".
InputFileName - Input file name string (null-terminated).
FontID - Font ID to be used. Optional - 0 is 10pt Helv.
LineDelim - Line delimiter characters (e.g. "\r\n"). Optional - NULL is "" or null-terminated. If the line delimiter character is not NULL, and if a line contains one or more null characters, this line will be ignored.
ParaDelim - Paragraph delimiter flags (PARADELIM_xxx). Optional - 0 is PARADELIM_ANYBLANKLINE.
pInfo - A pointer to an NLS_INFO struct, which contains all of the tables and attributes of the current character set. The NLS_INFO struct should have been initialized by a previous call to OSGetLMBCSCLS(). (NULL if body text already in the Lotus Multibyte Character Set (LMBCS)).
Output : (routine) - Return status from the call -- indicates either success (NOERROR) or what the error is.
See Also : MailCreateBodyItem MailAppendBodyItemLine