Function : Mail Gateway
MailGetMessageItemHandle - Returns a handle to the value for a message header item.
#include <mailserv.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC MailGetMessageItemHandle(
DHANDLE hMessage,
WORD ItemCode,
BLOCKID far *retbhValue,
WORD far *retValueType,
DWORD far *retValueLength);
This function returns a handle ("block ID" or pool handle and offset) to the
value for a specified message header item. The item can be of any data type.
The caller can use the OS Pool functions to obtain a pointer to the value of
the item.
The BLOCKID value obtained using this function refers to memory within a note.
This memory is managed by Domino, and should not be freed by the application.
Parameters : Input : hMessage - Open message handle.
ItemCode - Item code; all of the MAIL_xxx_ITEM_NUM codes are valid.
Output : (routine) - Return status from the call -- indicates either success (NOERROR) or what the error is.
retbhValue - Item value handle.
retValueType - Item value data type (TYPE_xxx).
retValueLength - Item value length in bytes.
See Also : MailGetMessageItem MAIL_xxx_ITEM_NUM(1) MAIL_xxx_ITEM_NUM(2)