Function : Views
NIFIsTimeVariantView - Check whether a view is a time variant view.
#include <nif.h>
BOOL NIFIsTimeVariantView(
HCOLLECTION hCollection);
Checks whether the view is a time-varying view or any type of view that is rebuilt on each open, for example, a soft deleted view.
Parameters : Input : hCollection - Per-user colletion context handle.
Output : (routine) - TRUE if the given view is timevariant view, one that must be rebuilt each time it is opened.
Sample Usage :
/* Presumes hCollection, a COLLECTIONHANDLE for an open view and
NoteID, its design note NOTEID */
if ( NIFIsTimeVariantView(hCollection) )
xprintf("We have a time variant view for NoteID %x\n", NoteID);