Function : Database
NIFReadEntriesExt2 - Read collection index information
#include <nif.h>
STATUS NIFReadEntriesExt2(
HCOLLECTION hCollection,
WORD SkipNavigator,
DWORD SkipCount,
WORD ReturnNavigator,
DWORD ReturnCount,
DWORD ReturnMask,
DWORD ReturnMask2,
DWORD ColumnNumber,
DWORD Flags,
DHANDLE *rethBuffer,
WORD *retBufferLength,
DWORD *retNumEntriesSkipped,
DWORD *retNumEntriesReturned,
WORD *retSignalflags,
TIMEDATE *retDiffTime,
TIMEDATE *retLastModifiedTime,
DWORD *retSequence);
Description :
A new feature is introduced to view NIFReadEntries output in JSON format using the new API call NIFReadEntriesExt2.
In the existing implementation, the output from NIFReadEntriesExt is in structure (ITEM_TABLE) form. The new call will have the output in JSON format instead, so it helps the end user easily parse JSON and represents the output in the way that they want. This is achieved by enabling a new flag READ_MASK_TO_JSON as an Input parameter (ReturnMask2) in the NIFReadEntriesExt2 API call. The return type for this call is STATUS.
The new flag needs to be used with other flags to return the value in JSON object. JSON object can be created with NOTEID, UNID, NOTE_CLASS and fields (length should be greater than '0') of the document based on input flags (ReturnMask).
This new call supports categorized, non-categorized, and response type JSON output purely based on view type. In case of buffer overflow, this call returns the JSON object and then continues with the new JSON object from next document onwards. The size of JSON object is limited to 32KB. **Parameters :** Input : hCollection - Per-user collection context handle. CollectionPos - Starting index position of entry to skip/return. SkipNavigator - Navigator used to skip "SkipCount" entries. SkipCount - (max) # of entries to skip before starting to return information. ReturnNavigator - Navigator used to return entries (NOTE: only used when returning second through last entries). ReturnCount - (max) # of entries to return information. ReturnMask - Mask specifying what information is to be returned on each entry(READ_MASK_xxx). Information is always returned in the order of the bits which are 1. ReturnMask2 - Mask specifying what information is to be returned on each entry(READ_MASK2_xxx). READ_MASK2_TO_JSON needs to be parsed if customer wants the output from the call for requested flags (ReturnMask) in JSON format. DiffTime - If non-null, this is a "differential view read". It optimizes results to only return full information for notes which have changed (or are new) in the view, return just NoteIDs for notes which haven't changed since this time, and return a deleted ID table for notes which may be known by the caller and have been deleted since DiffTime. DiffIDTable - If DiffTime is non-null and DiffIDTable is not NULLHANDLE, it provides a list of notes which the caller has current information on. We use this to know which notes can be returned based on input DiffTime. ColumnNumber - If not MAXDWORD, the number of single column to return values for. Flags - READENT_xxx flags. rethBuffer - Place to receive return buffer handle (optional). retBufferLength - Place to receive return buffer handle (optional). retNumEntriesSkipped - Place to receive return buffer handle (optional). retNumEntriesReturned - Place to receive return buffer handle (optional). retDiffTime - If differential view read was done, TIMEDATE to be passed in on next read. Output: (routine) - Returns status from the call, either success or an error. The return codes include: NOERROR - On success. ERR_HDL_NULL - On NULL collection. ERR_COLLECTION_HANDLE - On closed/invalid collection handle. ERR_NIF_VIEW_DELETED - If view has been deleted. ERR_BAD_COLLATION_NUM - If collation number is negative or greater than number of collations in view. ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE - In case of issue in object creation will exit here. The return warning for JSON: JSON_INVALID_SIZE_ERROR - Invalid size if the output buffer size is not in limit. JSON_PARSE_ERROR - In case of error in JSON parsing but continues by reporting error. JSON_OBJECT_INVALID - If return JSON is not a valid JSON but continues by reporting the error. JSON_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR - Memory allocation error in case of error in allocating memory for JSON object. CollectionPos - Index position updated to point at LAST returned entry. rethBuffer - The address of a HANDLE variable in which the handle to a buffer of information about this collection is returned. This may be returned as NULLHANDLE if there were no entries returned, so be sure to check for NULLHANDLE before attempting to lock the returned handle. The caller is responsible for freeing this buffer using OSMemFree. retBufferLength - The address of a WORD in which the length of the information buffer is returned. If you are not interested in this information, set this argument to NULL. retNumEntriesSkipped - The address of a WORD in which the number of entries that were skipped is returned. If you are not interested in this information, set this argument to NULL. retNumEntriesReturned - The address of a DWORD in which the number of entries is returned. If you are not interested in this information, set this argument to NULL. However, you should use this returned value to determine whether this function found any entries. retSignalflags - The following warning flags for special file sharing: SIGNAL_VIEW_DEFN_MODIFIED (warning) - At least one of the special view items ($FORMULA, $COLLATION, $FORMULACLASS) has been modified by another user of the shared collection since the last ReadEntries call. When this error is received, the caller may wish to reopen the view note and reread the rebuilt collection. This is a warning -- the buffer is returned anyway, in case the caller wishes to ignore the condition. This warning is only returned ONCE after each modification. SIGNAL_VIEW_ITEM_MODIFIED (warning) - The contents of a non-critical view item ($TITLE, $COLUMNFORMAT, and so on) have been modified by another user of the shared collection since the last ReadEntries call. When this warning is received, the caller may wish to reread the view note and reload any of the changed items. This is a warning -- the buffer is returned anyway, in case the caller wishes to ignore the condition. This warning is only returned ONCE after each modification. SIGNAL_INDEX_MODIFIED (warning) - The contents of the collection index hav been modified by another user of the shared collection since the last ReadEntries call. When this warning is received, the caller should relocate the position in the index where the "caret" is located, and reissue the call. This is a warning -- the buffer is returned anyway, in case the caller wishes to ignore the condition. This warning is only returned ONCE after each modification. SIGNAL_MORE_TO_DO (noerror) - The desired number of entries could not be returned because the buffer couldn't be expanded.The caller should retry the call at the returned index position to continue the read operation. SIGNAL_DIFF_READ_NOT_DONE (noerror) - If a differential view read was requested (that is, DiffTime was provided) but it could not be for some reason, a "regular" ReadEntries is done and this flag is set. retDiffTime - If non-NULL, returned time to use in subsequent differential view read. retLastModifiedTime - If non-NULL, returns NIFLastModifiedTime value. retSequence - Last modified sequence number. **See also :** [NIFReadEntriesExt](/domino-c-api-docs/reference/Func/NIFReadEntriesExt) ---