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Function : Extension Manager
NSFArchiveDeleteNotesEMCallback - Extension Manager callback for EM_NSFARCHIVEDELETENOTES

#include <extmgr.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC NSFArchiveDeleteNotesEMCallback(

    HANDLE  hTempIDTable,
    DWORD  dwFlags);
Description :

EM_NSFARCHIVEDELETENOTES is called after documents have been selected and copied to the destination database and it is time for archiving to delete the archived notes that qualify from the source database. If registered with the EM_REG_BEFORE flag, the callback is called before the documents are deleted from the source database. If registered with the EM_REG_AFTER flag, the callback is called after the documents have been deleted from the source database.

Parameters : Input : hDB - Handle of the source database where notes will be deleted from.

hTempIDTable - Handle of the id table containing the notes ids to be deleted.

dwFlags - None at this time.

Output : (routine) - ERR_EM_CONTINUE - Continue processing.

See Also : EM_xxx