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Function : Backup
NSFBackupStart - Initiate backup of a database.

#include <nsfdb.h>

    DWORD  Flags,
    DHANDLE *BackupContext,
    DWORD *FileSizeLow,
    DWORD *FileSizeHigh);
Description :

This function will initiate the backup of a database and return a backup context to the caller. The backup facility is only supported for local databases.

Parameters : Input : hDB - The handle to the database that you want to back up.

Flags - Reserved, must be zero.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - Successful.

ERR_NOT_LOCAL - Database is remote.

ERR_CANT_BACKUP_DURING_COMPACT - In place compacting of database is in progress, backup is not possible.

ERR_BACKUP_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS - A backup is already underway, another cannot be started.

ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error code for display.

BackupContext - Pointer to a handle that will be set to the backup context to be used for subsequent calls.

FileSizeLow - Pointer to a DWORD that will be set to the low-order 32 bits of file size as of the start of the backup.

FileSizeHigh - Pointer to a DWORD that will be set to the high-order 32 bits of file size as of the start of the backup.

Sample Usage :

   /* Start recording changes to the file at the NSF level */
   if (err = NSFBackupStart(hDB,
      print_api_error (err);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
See Also : NSFBackupEnd NSFBackupGetChangeInfoSize NSFBackupGetNextChangeInfo NSFBackupSetHighWaterMark NSFBackupStop