Function : Backup
NSFDB2GetDbInfoValidity - Validate NSFDB2 database information.
#include <nsfdb.h>
const char *filePath,
char *Schema,
DWORD szSchema,
char *tableSpace,
DWORD szTableSpace,
char *actualTableSpace,
DWORD szActualTableSpace,
BOOL *schemaExists,
BOOL *tsExists,
BOOL *tsMismatch,
DWORD flags);
This function returns the schema and table space that Domino believes the specified NSFDB2 database exists in. It also returns a status of whether or not the schema and table space exists.
Parameters : Input : filePath - The file name of the NSFDB2 database.
szSchema - The size of the buffer allocated for Schema.
szTableSpace - The size of the buffer allocated for tableSpace.
szActualTableSpace - The size of the buffer allocated for actualTableSpace.
flags - (Reserved for future use.) Must be 0.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:
NOERROR - Successful.
ERR_DB2NSF_CLI_ERROR - Internal DB2/CLI error.
ERR_NOT_FOUND - NSFDB2 information could not be found for filePath
ERR_DB2NSF_NOT_ENABLED_FOR_DB2 - The Domino server is not enabled for DB2.
ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions: (memory management, file operations, network errors, etc.). There are so many possible causes, that it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.
Schema - The name of the DB2 schema containing the tables for the NSFDB2 db.
tableSpace - The name of the table space as recorded in Domino's CATALOG table.
actualTableSpace - The real container location (table space) of Schema.NSFNOTE
schemaExists - True if the Schema specified in Domino's CATALOG table exists.
tsExists - True if the table space referenced in Domino's CATALOG table exists.
tsMismatch - True if the table space actually containing Schema.NSFNOTE differs from what Domino's CATALOG table has listed for filePath. This will only happen with DBA intervention or through backup/restore scenarios (e.g. renaming a table space from the DB2 Control Center application)
See Also : NSFDB2GetInfo NSFDB2GetServerInfo NSFDB2ListNSFDB2Databases NSFDB2ReconnectNotesDatabase