Function : Database
NSFDbCopyNote - Copy a single note from one database to another.
#include <nsfdb.h>
DBID far *SrcDbID,
DBID far *SrcReplicaID,
DBID far *DstDbID,
DBID far *DstReplicaID,
NOTEID far *retDstNoteID,
WORD far *retNoteClass);
This function copies a single note from a source database to the destination database. This routine detects if the source and destination databases are replicas of each other, and sets ID information in reference items in notes appropriately. If the two databases are replicas of each other, the internal identifier (OID) is preserved during the copy, so the two notes appear as replicas of each other. This function can also be used to copy notes between non-replica databases or between totally unrelated databases. The copy operation does NOT flush the I/O buffers in the destination database to disk until the destination database is closed, in order to improve the speed of a repeated number of calls to this function.
Parameters : Input : hSrcDB - A database handle to the source database.
SrcDbID - Not used. Pass NULL for this parameter.
SrcReplicaID - Optional. A pointer to the replica ID (also a DBID) of the source database. NULL may be used for this pointer. If you pass in NULL for this value, SrcReplicaID will be determined by using the hSrcDb. Pass in a pointer to the replica ID of the source database, if you happen to already have the ID, to optimize this call.
SrcNoteID - The NOTEID of the source note.
hDstDB - A database handle to the destination database.
DstDbID - Optional. A pointer to the database ID (DBID) of the destination database. NULL may be used for this pointer.
DstReplicaID - Optional. A pointer to the replica ID (also a DBID) of the destination database. NULL may be used for this pointer.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - Successfully copied note to destination database. ERR_NOTE_DELETED - Document has been deleted. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. There are so many possible causes, that It is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user.
retDstNoteID - Optional. The address of a NOTEID in which the Note ID of the newly copied note is returned. Use NULL if you do not need this returned information. If the Note copy is created in a non-replica database, a new Originator ID (OID) will be generated, so that the copy appears as a unique new note in the destination database.
retNoteClass - Optional. The address of a WORD in which the NOTE_CLASS_xxx of the copy is returned. Use NULL if you do not need this returned information.
Sample Usage :
if (error_status = NSFDbCopyNote(db_handle_src,
goto Exit;