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Function : Database
NSFDbFilter - Run the periodic filter on the database.

#include <nsfdb.h>

    DBHANDLE  hFilterDB,
    NOTEHANDLE  hFilterNote,
    DHANDLE  hNotesToFilter,
    BOOL  fIncremental,
    void far *Reserved1,
    void far *Reserved2,
    char far *DbTitle,
    char far *ViewTitle,
    void far *Reserved3,
    void far *Reserved4,
    DHANDLE  hDeletedList,
    DHANDLE  hSelectedList);
Description :

Run the specified filter against the specified notes in the database.

Parameters : Input : hFilterDB - Handle of the database to apply the filter against.

hFilterNote - Note handle of the filter note.

hNotesToFilter - Handle of note ID table. If fIncremental is FALSE, this is the list of notes to operate on.

fIncremental - If FALSE, notes specified in the hNotesToFilter ID table are processed. If FALSE, the notes specified in the filter note are processed.

Reserved1 - Reserved; must be NULL.

Reserved2 - Reserved; must be NULL.

DbTitle - Optional; if NULL, the database title is obtained from the database being processed. If not NULL, points to a null-terminated string containing the title to use for this database for the @DbTitle function.

ViewTitle - Optional; if not NULL, points to a null-terminated string containing the title for the view. NULL may be used if the database is not open in the context of a view.

Reserved3 - Reserved; must be NULL.

Reserved4 - Reserved; must be NULL.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either sucess or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - Database successfully opened. ERR_FT_NOMATCHES - No notes match search criteria. ERR_CANCEL - Search was cancelled. ERR_NOACCESS - Caller does not have access to perform that operation.

hNotesToFilter - If fIncremental is FALSE, only the notes which satisfy the filter remain in this ID table. If fIncremental is TRUE, the original entries are not modified and the notes which satisfy the filter are added to the ID table.

hDeletedList - If NULLHANDLE is passed, any notes identified by the filter for deletion are deleted by NSFDbFilter(). If not NULLHANDLE, the IDs of the notes to be deleted are placed in this ID table and the notes are not deleted by NSFDbFilter().

hSelectedList - If NULLHANDLE, FILTER_OP_SELECT is not supported. If not NULLHANDLE, IDs of notes selected by the filter are placed in this ID table.

See Also :