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Function : Clusters
NSFDbOpenExtended - Open database or database template with additional options.

#include <nsfdb.h>

    const char far *PathName,
    WORD  Options,
    DHANDLE  hNames,
    TIMEDATE far *ModifiedTime,
    DBHANDLE far *rethDB,
    TIMEDATE far *retDataModified,
    TIMEDATE far *retNonDataModified);
Description :

This function opens a Domino database or database template on the local system or on a remote Lotus Domino Server. NSFDbOpenExtended allows you to open a Domino database with a scan lock (Domino-based file "coordination"), open a local database with a specified UserName (hNames parameter), initiate purge or fixup operations during the open, and/or conditionally open the database only if it has changed since a supplied time/date.

   This function can also be used to open a directory on the local system

or on a remote Lotus Domino Server.

NSFDbOpenExtended will not succeed on a directory when used with certain DBOPEN_xxx options. Refer to DBOPEN_xxx for details.

For Lotus Domino Server cluster installations, this function can be made to "failover" to another server in the cluster if the one specified in PathName is not reachable. If the DBOPEN_CLUSTER_FAILOVER flag is specified and this function is used to open a database on a clustered Lotus Domino Server and that server is not currently available, then the open will automatically "failover" to other servers that are members of the same cluster if the database to be opened exists on other servers in that cluster. This failover process is transparent to the caller. If the database open does failover and the caller wishes to determine the server/database that was actually opened, the caller must use the NSFDbPathGet function. The caller can then compare the string in PathName with the string returned by NSFDbPathGet to determine if database open failover occurred.

If a client or server is running an extension manager that traps a EM_NSFDBOPENEXTENDED hook, and the call to NSFDbOpenExtended has the DBOPEN_NO_USERINFO flag set, when the extension manager calls NSFDbUserNameGet, a NULL user name will be returned. However if the server itself is calling NSFDbOpenExtended with this option set, the server's user name will be returned.

Use NSFDbClose to close the database file handle and deallocate the memory associated with it.

Parameters : Input : PathName - A pointer to a text buffer containing a Domino database file path specification. The string should be null-terminated. If NULL is specified, the local data directory (the value of the "Directory=" environment variable from notes.ini) will be opened. If the database is on a remote server, you can build a full network pathname with OSPathNetConstruct.

Options - WORD containing DBOPEN_xxx options. Options may be OR'ed together to achieve the desired affect.

hNames - May be NULLHANDLE or a HANDLE to a NAMES_LIST structure that contains a UserName that is used to open a local database. This causes the user's ACL permissions in the database to be enforced. Please see NSFBuildNamesList for more information on building a NAMES_LIST structure.

ModifiedTime - A pointer to a TIMEDATE structure containing a time/date value that must be older than the database's data and non-data last modified time/date values for the database to be successfully opened. If there is nothing new in the database since the specified time, an error will be returned. This is an efficient way to only open the database if there is "something new in it" since the last time you checked. NULL may be used if you wish this check to be ignored during the open.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - database successfully opened.

ERR_ALREADY_LOCKED - Database is currently being replicated or copied elsewhere.

ERR_NOT_NSF - File is not a database.

ERR_NSF_VERSION - Invalid NSF version.

ERR_NO_MODIFIED_NOTES - No documents have been modified since specified time.

ERR_NOACCESS - You are not authorized to perform that operation.

ERR_OPEN_FILE - You are not authorized to access that database.

ERR_OBJECT_TRUNCATED - File object is truncated - file may have been damaged.

ERR_NSF_CORRUPT2 - Database has been corrupted and can't be repaired; cannot open.

ERR_BSAFE_USER_ABORT - User cancelled password dialog box.

ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. There are so many possible causes, that It is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user.

rethDB - The address of a DBHANDLE in which a handle to the open database will be returned. This handle may now be used in all NSF database operations that require a DBHANDLE. It has no meaning within the context of your native operating system's file package.

retDataModified - The address of a Domino binary time/date structure in which the last-modified date of all data notes/documents is returned.

retNonDataModified - The address of a Domino binary time/date structure in which the last-modified date of all non-data notes/documents is returned.

Sample Usage :

   /* Create a skim date and check Last Modified date during open */

   if(TimeDateAdjust(&open_skim_td, 0, 0, 0, WEEK_AGO, 0, 0))
       printf("\nTimedateAdjust() failed\n");
       goto Exit;

   /* Open source database */

   if (error_status = NSFDbOpenExtended(src_name,
                          DBOPEN_WITH_SCAN_LOCK, NULLHANDLE,
                          &open_skim_td, &db_handle_src,
                          &data_td_src, &nondata_td_src))
       if (ERR(error_status) == ERR_NO_MODIFIED_NOTES)
           printf("\nSrc Db: %s has not been modified in a week.\n",
           if (error_status = NSFDbOpenExtended(src_name,
                          DBOPEN_WITH_SCAN_LOCK, NULLHANDLE,
                          NULL, &db_handle_src,
                          &data_td_src, &nondata_td_src))
              goto Exit;

           goto Exit;
   cleanup_state += CLOSE_SRC_DB;
See Also : DBOPEN_xxx NSFBuildNamesList NSFDbClose NSFDbOpen NSFDbOpenTemplateExtended NSFDbPathGet OSPathNetConstruct OSPathNetParse