Function : Item (Field)
NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID - Adds an item value to a note by BLOCKID.
#include <nsfnote.h>
NOTEHANDLE note_handle,
WORD item_flags,
const char far *item_name,
WORD name_len,
BLOCKID value_bid,
DWORD value_len,
BLOCKID far *item_bid_ptr);
This function adds an item (field) to the in-memory copy of a note using the BLOCKID of the item value. Call NSFNoteUpdate to write the modified note to disk.
Unlike NSFItemAppend, NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID does not copy the memory associated with the value BLOCKID. Instead, it transfers ownership of memory to the note. Unlock the memory associated with the BLOCKID but do not free it. NSFNoteClose will free the memory. Warning: to avoid associating the same memory with more than one note, do not use a BLOCKID obtained by calling NSFItemInfo with the handle to a different note.
Use this function to append an item to a note if you happen to have the item data in a Domino memory block. Otherwise, it is generally more convenient to use NSFItemAppend.
API programs on a non-Intel architecure machines must convert the item value to Domino Canonical Format before calling NSFItemAppend if value_bid is one of the following:
Use ODSWriteMemory() to convert item data from host specific format to Domino canonical format before calling NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID.
Note that the data type word - - the first word in the memory object specified by value_bid - - is in Host specific format, not Domino Canonical Format.
Parameters : Input : note_handle - The handle to the note that will receive this item.
item_flags - The flags that define the characteristics of this item. These flags are defined in ITEM_xxx and may be bitwise or'ed together for combined functionality.
item_name - Text buffer containing the name of the item as it will appear in the note. This name is equivalent to the field name when you design a form using the screen interface.
name_len - The length of item_name.
value_bid - The BLOCKID of a Domino memory block that contains the item's datatype word followed by the item value. The data type word is always in host format. The item value data following the data type word must be in Domino canonical format only if the data type is one of TYPE_COMPOSITE, TYPE_COLLATION, TYPE_OBJECT, TYPE_VIEW_FORMAT, TYPE_ICON, TYPE_SIGNATURE, TYPE_SEAL, TYPE_SEALDATA, TYPE_SEAL_LIST, TYPE_WORKSHEET_DATA, or TYPE_USERDATA.
value_len - Length of the memory object in BYTES, including the Domino data type WORD.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call.
NOERROR - Successfully appended Item to the note.
ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Use OSLoadString to convert the status to a message string and display the string to the user.
item_bid_ptr - The specified location gets the item BLOCKID of the newly appended item (field). You may need the item BLOCKID in API routines such as NSFItemInfoNext and NSFItemDeleteByBLOCKID. Specify NULL if you do not wish this value to be returned. This block is part of the memory allocated for the note, and is managed by Domino and Notes; the application should not free this block.
Sample Usage :
/* Fabricate an Item and append it to Note2 by BLOCKID */
if (error_status = OSMemAlloc(0, LINEOTEXT, &fab_value_bid.pool))
goto Exit;
cleanup_state += FREE_BIDMEM;
fab_value_bid.block = NULLBLOCK;
value_ptr = OSLockBlock(char, fab_value_bid);
cleanup_state += UNLOCK_BIDMEM;
*(WORD *) value_ptr = TYPE_TEXT;
value_ptr += sizeof(WORD);
strcpy(value_ptr, "What a Country!");
value_len = strlen(value_ptr) + sizeof(WORD);
item_flags = ITEM_SUMMARY;
cleanup_state -= UNLOCK_BIDMEM;
if (error_status=NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID(note2_handle, item_flags,
fab_value_bid, value_len, NULL))
goto Exit;