Function : MIME
NSFMimePartDelete - delete a TYPE_MIME_PART item from a note.
#include <nsfmime.h>
char *pchItemName,
WORD wItemNameLen);
The function NSFMimePartDelete deletes the TYPE_MIME_PART items named pchItemName from an open note. NSFMimePartDelete does not delete the object associated with a given TYPE_MIME_PART item if the object is shared.
Parameters : Input : hNote - a handle to an open note.
pchItemName - a pointer to the TYPE_MIME_PART item name.
wItemNameLen - the length of the item name.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Successfully added the MIME part. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.
Sample Usage :
STATUS error;
if (error = NSFMimePartDelete(hNote, MAIL_BODY_ITEM, sizeof(MAIL_BODY_ITEM)-1))
goto exit;