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Function : Mail
NSFMimePartGetInfoByBLOCKID - given its BLOCKID, get information about a MIME part item.

#include <nsfmime.h>

    BLOCKID  bhItem,
    WORD *pwPartType,
    DWORD *pdwFlags,
    WORD *pwReserved,
    WORD *pwPartOffset,
    WORD *pwPartLen,
    WORD *pwBoundaryOffset,
    WORD *pwBoundaryLen,
    WORD *pwHeadersOffset,
    WORD *pwHeadersLen,
    WORD *pwBodyOffset,
    WORD *pwBodyLen);
Description :

The function NSFMimePartGetInfoByBLOCKID returns information about a TYPE_MIME_PART item in an open note, given its BLOCKID. If wBoundaryLen or wHeadersLen are returned as 0, there is no boundary or headers, respectively, for the TYPE_MIME_PART item.

Parameters : Input : bhItem - the BLOCKID for the TYPE_MIME_PART item.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Successfully fetched the MIME part info. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.

pwPartType - pointer to location for the returned MIME part type.

pdwFlags - pointer to location for the returned MIME part flags.

pwReserved - reserved -- presently unused.

pwPartOffset - offset of the MIME part data within the TYPE_MIME_PART item; i.e., after the MIME_PART ODS structure.

pwPartLen - pointer to location for returned part data length in bytes.

pwBoundaryOffset - offset of the part boundary, if any, within the TYPE_MIME_PART item; i.e., after the MIME_PART ODS structure.

pwBoundaryLen - length of the boundary.

pwHeadersOffset - offset of the part headers, if any, within the TYPE_MIME_PART item; i.e., after the MIME_PART ODS structure.

pwHeadersLen - length of the headers.

pwBodyOffset - offset of the part body within the TYPE_MIME_PART item; i.e., after the MIME_PART ODS structure.

pwBodyLen - length of the body.

Sample Usage :

    STATUS error;
BLOCKID bhValue;
DWORD dwValueLen;
WORD wPartType;
DWORD dwFlags;
WORD wReserved;
WORD wPartOffset;
WORD wPartLen;
WORD wBoundaryOffset;
WORD wBoundaryLen;
WORD wHeadersOffset;
WORD wHeadersLen;
WORD wBodyOffset;
WORD wBodyLen;

if (error = NSFItemInfo(hNote,
       &dwValueLen)) {
    goto exit;

if (error = NSFMimePartGetInfoByBLOCKID(bhItem,
             &wBodyLen)) {
    goto exit;
See Also : BLOCKID NSFMimePartGetInfo NSFMimePartGetInfoNext