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Function : Note
NSFNoteHasObjects - Returns TRUE if note contains any object items. FALSE otherwise.

#include <nsfnote.h>

    NOTEHANDLE  hNote,
    BLOCKID far *bhFirstObjectItem);
Description :

This returns TRUE if the specified note contains any object items, FALSE otherwise.

Object items are items of type TYPE_OBJECT. Domino and Notes use objects to store data that is not rendered on the screen by the Notes editor. Examples include file attachments ($FILE fields), help indexes, and macro left-to-do lists ($LeftToDo fields).

The BLOCKID value obtained using this function refers to memory within a note.
This memory is managed by Domino and Notes, and should not be freed by the application.

Parameters : Input : hNote - Handle to the open note.

Output : (routine) - TRUE if note contains any object items.

bhFirstObjectItem - Receives the BLOCKID of the object item. Note: this variable receives the item BLOCKID, not the value BLOCKID. The item block ID is the same as what is received by item_blockid in NSFItemInfo, not value_blockid.

See Also : NSFItemAppendObject NSFNoteAttachFile