Function : Note
NSFNoteVerifySignature - Verifies a signature on a note.
#include <nsfnote.h>
char far *SignatureItemName,
TIMEDATE far *retWhenSigned,
char far *retSigner,
char far *retCertifier);
This function verifies a signature on a note or section(s) within a note. It returns an error if a signature did not verify. All of the output arguments for this function are optional.
Note: When the Notes user interface opens a note, it always uses the OPEN_EXPAND option to promote items of type number to number list, and items of type text to text list. In order for a signature created or verified through this API call to work correctly with the Notes user interface, the OPEN_EXPAND option must be used when the note is opened.
Parameters : Input : hNote - The handle of an open note.
SignatureItemName - Specify NULL to verify the signature of a note. Specify the SignatureItemName to verify a signature of a field that resides in a section of a note. The SignatureItemName is a zero-terminated LMBCS string of the form $Sig_
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - The note or section signature was successfully verified. ERR_NOTE_NOT_SIGNED - The note or section has no signature. ERR_xxx - STATUS returned from a lower level Notes function. This value can be passed to OSLoadString to obtain a text string that can be presented in a dialog box or log entry.
retWhenSigned - Optional. Pointer to returned TIMEDATE structure containing the time of the signature. Use NULL if this information is not needed.
retSigner - Optional. Pointer to the returned user name of the one who signed the note or section. The caller should allocate a buffer size of MAXUSERNAME. Use NULL if this information is not needed.
retCertifier - Optional. Pointer to the returned common certifier. The caller should allocate a buffer size of MAXUSERNAME. Use NULL if this information is not needed.
See Also : NSFNoteSign NSFNoteSignExt