Function :
NSFPathsAreSame - Routine to see if paths are the same
#include <nsfdb.h>
BOOL NSFPathsAreSame(
const char*pNetPath1,
WORD NetPathLen1,
const char*pNetPath2,
WORD NetPathLen2,
BOOL MatchFlatToHierarchical);
This routine to see if paths are the same. The Path contains server name, path
and filename
If the comparison fails, and only one of the paths is specified with a common
name, the
names are compared again just using the common names of the servers.
MatchFlatToHierarchical - is TRUE then comparison fails are flat will
result in comparison on hierarchical names.
Ex. Input1 - "CN=Jack Aubrey/O=CAM/P=Red Squadron/A=RN/C=GB"
Input2 - "CN=Jack Aubrey/O=CAM/P=Red Squadron/A=RN/C=GB"
Hierarchical comparison is to compare on "O=CAM/P=Red Squadron/A=RN/C=GB"
Parameters : Input : pNetPath1 - Server path and filename of notes file
NetPathLen1 - length of path1 or MAXWORD to calculate
pNetPath2 - Server path and file name of notes file
NetPathLen2 - length of path2 or MAXWORD to calculate
MatchFlatToHierarchical - Makes hierarchical comparison on paths if it is TRUE
Output : (routine) - TRUE - Paths are same FALSE - Paths are different
Sample Usage :
if (NSFPathsAreSame("CN=Jack Aubrey/O=CAM/P=Red Squadron/A=RN/C=GB", "CN=Jack
Aubrey/O=CAM/P=Red Squadron/A=RN/C=GB", TRUE))
//Both net work server paths are identical
//Both paths are not identical