Function : Clusters
NSGetServerClusterMates - Returns a list of cluster members, based on input server.
#include <ns.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC NSGetServerClusterMates(
const char far *pServerName,
DWORD dwFlags,
DHANDLE far *phList);
The NSGetServerClusterMates function retrieves a handle to a list (of type TEXT_LIST) of server names that belong to the same cluster as the server specified by pServerName. If the pServerName parameter is NULL then the function retrieves the cluster members of the user's home server. The dwFlags parameter controls how the information is retrieved. If the CLUSTER_LOOKUP_NOCACHE flag is specified then the information is retrieved using a NameLookup on the server only. If the CLUSTER_LOOKUP_CACHEONLY flag is specified then the information is retrieved using the client's cluster name cache. If no flags (a value of 0) is specified, then the information is retrieved first through the client's cluster name cache and if that is not successful, then through a NameLookup on the server. Note that the list returned does not include the input server name (or home server name if NULL was specified).
If successful, the function returns a handle to the text list of cluster members in the phList parameter. The caller should lock the handle down with the OSLockObject function before attempting to use the list and unlock it with OSUnLockObject when done. It is also the responsibility of the caller to free the memory associated with the handle using the OSMemFree function when finished processing the list. Use the ListGetNumEntries function to determine the number of cluster members and the ListGetText to retrieve each entry in the text list.
NSGetServerClusterMates uses the Address book specified by the user's location record. Unless cascading Address books or Directory Assistance is enabled, the Notes mail domain field in the user's location record must be set to the domain name for the server(s) in the cluster and the Home/mail server field must be set to a server in this domain. If the target server is in a different domain than specified in the user's location record then in order for NSGetServerClusterMates to succeed, you must have cascading Address books or Directory Assistance enabled and the target domain's Address book must be in the list of Address books to be searched.
Parameters : Input : pServerName - The name of the Lotus Domino Server where the lookup will be performed. Specify a value of NULL if the client's home server is to be used for the lookup.
dwFlags - Lookup Option flags (see CLUSTER_LOOKUP_xxx).
Output : (routine) - If success, NOERROR; Otherwise, one of a number of possible ERR_xxx errors.
phList - Address of location to store text list handle.
Sample Usage :
/* Given a server name, get the cluster mates without doing any network
activity */
#include <ns.h>
STATUS error;
error = NSGetServerClusterMates(ServerName, CLUSTER_LOOKUP_CACHEONLY,
if (hClusterMateList != NULLHANDLE)