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Function : OOO
OOOSetAlternateAwayLine - This function sets the value the alternate first line.

#include <oooapi.h>

    OOOCTXPTR *pOOOContext,
    char *altline);

Description :

This function sets the value the alternate first line, replacing the standard "I am out of the office starting <date> returning <date>".
This line will be used for one out of office session. If it is not set during the next enablement, the old standard message will be used.
This function should be called AFTER OOOSetAwayPeriod.

Parameters : Input : pOOOContext - obtained from the OOOStartOperation call.

altline - buffer holding string to set.

Output : (routine) - NOERROR - Successfully performed this operation This function can return Domino errors. OOO specific errors: ERR_OOO_MISSING_PARAM - One or more mandatory parameters were not specified.

See Also : OOOGetAwayPeriod