Function : OOO
OOOSetGeneralSubject - This function sets general subject messages.
#include <oooapi.h>
const char *pGeneralSubject,
BOOL bDisplayReturnDate);
OOO supports two sets of notification messages. They are called General message/subject and Special message/subject.The rest of the people will receive the general message/subject message. This function sets the general subject.If this field is not specified in by this API call, the value defined using Notes Client will be used, otherwise the default for this field is the following text AUTO: Katherine Smith is out of the office (returning 02/23/2009 10:12:17 AM)
Parameters : Input : pOOOContext - Pointer obtained from the OOOStartOperation call
pGeneralSubject - This is a pointer to a zero terminated string that will appear as the subject line of the OOO notification.
bDisplayReturnDate - This is a Boolean which controls whether (returning
Output :
(routine) - This is a Boolean which controls whether (returning
See Also : OOOGetGeneralSubject