Function : Profile Document
SECExtractIdFileFromDB - Extract an ID file from a profile note.
#include <kfm.h>
char *pProfileNoteName,
DWORD ProfileNoteNameLength,
char *pUserName,
DWORD UserNameLength,
char *pPassword,
char *pPutIDFileHere,
DWORD Reserved,
void *pReserved);
This routine will search the database for a named profile note and, if the note is found, will extract the attached ID file to a specified location. After the file has been extracted, it will be "unroamed". There is no updating to the ID file after it has been detached.
Parameters : Input : hDB - Open database handle of database to be searched for ID file.
pProfileNoteName - Profile note name that the ID file will be extracted from.
ProfileNoteNameLength - Length of the profile note name.
pUserName - Name of user requesting access to the profile note. Should be NULL.
UserNameLength - Length of user name. Should be zero.
pPassword - Password to the ID file to be extracted from the database.
pPutIDFileHere - File name to extract the ID file to.
Reserved - Reserved, should be set to 0.
pReserved - Reserved, should be set to NULL.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - action successful
See Also : SECKFMClose SECKFMOpen