Function : User Registration
SECGetSSONameMappingConfig - Get name mapping information from an SSO configuration Document.
#include <bsafe.h>
char *ServerName,
char *OrgName,
char *ConfigName,
BOOL *retbNameMapping,
DWORD dwReserved,
void *vpReserved);
This function gets name mapping information from an SSO configuration document if name mapping is turned on.
Parameters : Input : ServerName - Reserved, must be NULL.
OrgName - Optional. Organization for internet site configuration. Null if no organization name is desired.
ConfigName - Configuration name, usually "LtpaToken".
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is.
retbNameMapping - TRUE is SSO configuration document has name mapping enabled.
dwReserved - Reserved for future use.
vpReserved - Reserved for future use.
See Also : SECTokenGenerate SSO_TOKEN