Function : Address Book
SECNABEnumerateCertificates - Enumerate certificates found in an open note.
#include <kfm.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC SECNABEnumerateCertificates(
void *pCallCtx,
DWORD ReservedFlags,
void *pReserved);
For the open note specified, this function looks for certificates in the field name and calls a callback function for each certificate found.
Parameters : Input : hNote - Handle to the open note to be enumerated.
CallBack - Callback function to be executed for each certificate found in the field name. If the return from this user callback is TRUE, then SECNABEnumerateCertificates stops calling this routine.
pCallCtx - Caller's context to be passed into the CallBack function. This user defined context can be used to store the certificate information gathered in the CallBack function.
ReservedFlags - Reserved, must be zero.
pReserved - Reserved.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - action successful
See Also : SECNABAddCertificate SECNABENUMPROC SECNABRemoveCertificate