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Function : SSO
SECTokenListGenerate - create SSO tokens

#include <bsafe.h>

    char *ServerName,
    char *OrgName,
    char *ConfigName,
    char *UserName,
    TIMEDATE *Creation,
    TIMEDATE *Expiration,
    void *pAttributes,
    DWORD  dwRequestedInfoFlags,
    SSO_TOKEN_INFO_DESC *retpInfo,
    SSO_LTPA_TOKEN_LIST **retpTokenList,
    DWORD  dwReserved,
    void *vpReserved);
Description :

For creating one or more SSO tokens according to configuration.

The inputs OrgName and ConfigName are used to locate the applicable configuration. The configuration determines which tokens are created and returned in retpTokenList. The supported tokens that currently could be returned in the list include LtpaToken and LtpaToken2. The caller takes responsibility to free the token list by calling SECTokenListFree().

The caller can request information about the preferred token (first) in the list. The output is to be returned in the callers retpInfo struct.
Additional output about the preferred token can be requested by setting the dwRequestedInfoFlags so that the output is also returned in the retpInfo struct.

Currently supported flags: SECTOKEN_RETURN_RAWTOKENUSERNAME - return the user name exactly as it appears in the token. SECTOKEN_RETURN_RENEWAL_TIME - return renewal information that may apply in Domino-only configurations supporting idle session timeout. A pointer to the renewal timedate is returned in retpInfo->vpReservedTiming.

If dwRequestedInfoFlags is non-zero, the caller must free the resources associated with the output retpInfo by calling SECTokenFreeInfo().

Parameters : Input : ServerName - Domino server to ask to generate the token list (reserved as NULL).

OrgName - Organization that the server belongs to (OPTIONAL: Specify NULL if not using 'Internet Sites' view for configuration)

ConfigName - Name of Web SSO Configuration to use

UserName - Canonicalized username to encode in the token. This name could be a Notes distinguished name, or a name in LDAP distinguished name format. LDAP format is more likely to be appropriate if name mapping is enabled (see SECGetSSONameMappingConfig())

Creation - Creation time to set for the token (specify NULL to use the current time).

Expiration - Expiration time to set for the token (specify NULL to use expiration from specified Web SSO Configuration).

pAttributes - currently ignored, for future use as input

dwRequestedInfoFlags - SECTOKEN_RETURN_RAWTOKENUSERNAME: For the preferred (i.e. first) token in the token list, return the format of the name put in the token. If this flag is on, the retpInfo->RawTokenUsername struct is populated. SECTOKEN_RETURN_RENEWAL_TIME: For the preferred (i.e. first) token in the token list, return renewal information that may apply in Domino-only configurations supporting idle session timeout. A pointer to the renewal timedate is returned in retpInfo->vpReservedTiming.

dwReserved - Must be 0

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Successfully create the token list. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.

retpInfo - (optional) Return additional token information about the preferred (i.e. first) token in the token list into the callers SSO_TOKEN_INFO_DESC struct. To prepare for the receiving of information in the callers struct, the callers struct should be initialized, storing zero in all fields. If retpInfo is non-null, then the retpInfo on return will always contain the TokenType and Expiration TIMEDATE information populated in the struct. The Creation TIMEDATE is populated only if Domino-only configuration is in use. The caller can request additional output information using the dwRequestedInfoFlags. If dwRequestedInfoFlags is non-zero, the caller must free the resources associated with the output retpInfo by calling SECTokenFreeInfo().

retpTokenList - return pointer to the returned token list. The caller takes responsibility to free the token list by calling SECTokenListFree().

vpReserved - reserved for future use

Sample Usage :


if( error = SECTokenListGenerate( NULL,
      NULL, /* default creation time */
      NULL, /* default expiration time */
      NULL, /* no attributes */
      0, /* no optional flags */
      NULL, /* no optional return info */
      0, NULL))
    goto Done;

SECTokenListFree( &pTokenList, 0, NULL );