Function : Statistics Reporting
StatTraverse - Traverse the statistic(s) for one or more facilities.
#include <stats.h>
void LNPUBLIC StatTraverse(
char far *Facility,
char far *StatName,
void far *Context);
This function traverses one or more statistics for one or more facilities. It calls a user defined routine, called a traversal routine, for each statistic found.
Parameters : Input : Facility - Name of facility (NULL for all facilities). See Symbolic Value, STATPKG_xxx for a list of facilities monitored by Domino.
StatName - Name of statistic (NULL for all statistics).
Routine - Pointer to the user defined traversal routine. This routine is called once for each statistic found.
The definition of STATTRAVERSEPROC is:
STATUS (LNCALLBACKPTR Routine) (void far Context, / Pointer to data passed to StatTraverse to be given to this routine / char far Facility, / Facility name / char far StatName, / Name of statistic / WORD ValueType, / Value type of the statistic: VT_LONG, VT_TEXT, VT_TIMEDATE, VT_NUMBER / void far Value); / Value of the statistic /
If the traversal routine returns an error, the traversal stops.
Context - The traversal routine context block - a pointer to data to be sent to the user defined traversal routine.
Output : (routine) - None
Sample Usage :
StatTraverse(FacilTable[i], /* name of facility */
NULL, /* traverse all stats */
DisplayTrav, /* callback function */
(void *)&hCompound); /* param passed to callback
function */