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Function : Form
StoredFormAppendSubformToken - Add a token to the end of a subform name so that the subform won't be found in a pre 6 Client/Server

#include <dbmisc.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC StoredFormAppendSubformToken(

    WORD  wSubNameBufferLen);
Description :

This function adds a token to the end of a subform name so that the subform won't be found in a pre 6 Client/Server. (The 6 client and server will remove this token before looking up the subform name.)

Parameters : Input : pszSubName - a pointer to a buffer which contains the subform name

wSubNameBufferLen - a WORD containing the length of the text buffer

Output : (routine) - Return STATUS from call. NOERROR if successful.

See Also : StoredFormAddItems StoredFormRemoveItems