Function : ASP
VDirContextInit - Scope lookups in $Users by organization name (ASP enabled configurations only).
#include <vdirctx.h>
const char *OrgName);
In a ASP configuration, names in the $Users view are composed by combining the
organization name with the user or group name. Therefore, lookups of names in
the $Users view requires both the organization name as well as the user or
group name. To pass the organization name to the NAMELookup function, you must
use VDirContextInit to initialize a thread-static string with the organization
name. Within the current thread, all future calls to NAMELookup will be scoped
by the organization name until VDirContextDestroy is called.
VDirContextDestroy will release the thread-static memory. You may call
VDirContextInit more than once to change the organization name, without calling
VDirContextDestroy between VDirContextInit calls. If you do not call
VDirContextInit before looking up a name in $Users, the lookup will be scoped
by the server's organization name. This call should be used in ASP
configurations only.
Parameters : Input : OrgName - Organization name used to scope NAMELookups in $Users view.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:
NOERROR - Successfully initialized the organization name
ERR_xxx - Other errors returned by this function and includes errors returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to obtain a string to display to the user.
Sample Usage :
#define USERNAMESSPACE "$Users"
#define Names "Bill Smith\0Ted Jones\0Marketing"
#define OrgName "Org1"
#define NUM_NAMES 3
#define MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS "Domain\0Server\0PublicKey\0Members\0Certificate"
#define ITEM_DOMAIN 0
#define ITEM_SERVER 1
#define ITEM_MEMBERS 3
NumNames = NUM_NAMES; /* 3 names to look up */
error = VDirContextInit(OrgName); /* Setup the organization name
before calling NAMELookup */
if (error)
goto Abort;
error = NAMELookup(pMailServerName, /* Ptr to mail server name */
0, /* Flags */
1, /* Number of name spaces */
USERNAMESSPACE, /* Name of name space (view name) */
NumNames, /* # of names */
Names, /* Ptr to the names themselves */
NumItems, /* # of items desired */
MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS, /* Ptr to the item names */
&hLookup); /* Handle of returned buffer */
if (error)
goto Abort;
pLookup = OSLockObject(hLookup);
/* For each name requested, traverse the results for each name */
for (pName = NULL, i = 0; i < (NumViews*NumNames); i++)
/* Locate the set of matches for the next name searched for */
pName = NAMELocateNextName(pLookup, pName, &NumMatches);
/* Traverse all matches for this name */
for (pMatch = NULL, j = 0; j < NumMatches; j++)
pMatch = NAMELocateNextMatch(pLookup, pName, pMatch);
/* Here, handle a simple (non-list) item for this match */
pDomain = NAMELocateItem(pMatch, ITEM_DOMAIN, &DataType, &Size);
if (pDomain == NULL) /* if item not present in this match */
continue; /* go on to next match */
/* Here, handle a text list or text item (this handles
both kinds) and traverse all members */
for (k = 0; ; k++)
if (NAMEGetTextItem(pMatch, ITEM_MEMBERS, k,
Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)) != NOERROR)
VDirContextDestroy(); /* Free the thread-static memory */