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Function : Basic Encoding Rules
ber_alloc_t - Constructs and returns a BerElement structure.

#include <lber.h>
BerElement * LNPUBLIC ber_alloc_t(

    int  options);
Description :

This routine constructs and returns a BerElement structure. The NULLBER pointer is returned on error. The options field contains a bitwise-or of options which are to be used when generating the encoding of this BerElement. Unrecognized option bits are ignored.

The BerElement returned by ber_alloc_t() is initially empty. Calls to ber_printf() will append bytes to the end of the ber_alloc_t().

Implemented as a macro:

define ber_alloc_t(options) ND_ber_alloc_t((options))

Parameters : Input : options - A bitwise-or of options which are to be used when generating the encoding of this BerElement.

Output : (routine) - Pointer to a BerElement structure.

See Also : BerElement NULLBER