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Function : Basic Encoding Rules
ber_peek_tag - Returns the tag of the next element to be parsed.

#include <lber.h>
ber_tag_t LNPUBLIC ber_peek_tag(

    BerElement *ber,
    ber_len_t *len);
Description :

This routine returns the tag of the next element to be parsed. The decoding position within the ber argument is unchanged by this call; that is, the fact that ber_peek_tag() has been called does not affect future use of ber.

Implemented as a macro:

define ber_peek_tag(ber, len) ND_ber_peek_tag((ber), (len))

Parameters : Input : ber - This state pointer points at the tag of the next element to be parsed.

len - The length of the element to be parsed.

Output : (routine) - The tag of the next element to be parsed.

LBER_DEFAULT is returned if there is no further data to be read.

See Also : BerElement ber_len_t ber_tag_t