Function : LDAP
ldap_compare_s - Synchronous compare attribute value assertion
#include <ldap.h>
int LNPUBLIC ldap_compare_s(
LDAP *ld,
const char *dn,
const char *attr,
const char *value);
This function will do a synchronous compare attribute value assertion against an LDAP entry.
Implemented as a macro:
define ldap_compare_s(ld, dn, attr, value) ND_ldap_compare_s((ld), (dn),
(attr), (value))
Parameters : Input : ld - The LDAP session handle.
dn - The distinguished name of the entry to compare against.
attr - The attribute to compare against.
value - A string attribute value to compare against.
Output : (routine) - LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE, LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE - If the operation was successful, or another LDAP result code if not.
Sample Usage :
ldap_compare_s( ld, "CN = John Q Public, O = API", "userPassword", "secret" );