Symbolic Value : Rich Text
CDPRETABLE_xxx - Flag defintions to CDPRETABLEBEGIN.
#include <editods.h>
Symbolic Values :
CDPRETABLE_AUTO_CELL_WIDTH - Cell widths are calculated automatically. If CDPRETABLE_WIDTHSAMEASWINDOW is not also set, the table width is set to "Fit with margins."
CDPRETABLE_DONTWRAP - Wrap text around the table.
CDPRETABLE_DROPSHADOW - Border effect is set to "Drop shadow."
CDPRETABLE_FIELDDRIVEN - Which row to display is field driven - rows are to be switched programmatically.
CDPRETABLE_V4SPACING - Use R4 spacing within the table so that the table is compatible with R4.
CDPRETABLE_USEBORDERCOLOR - Use a cell border color.
CDPRETABLE_WIDTHSAMEASWINDOW - Table width is set to fit to window.
CDPRETABLE_SHOWTABS - Set flags to create a tabbed table with the tabs on the top of the table. CDPRETABLE_FIELDDRIVEN must also be set. Also set the CDPRETABLEBEGIN ViewerType member to CDTABLEVIEWER_TABS.
CDPRETABLE_SHOWTABSONLEFT - Set flags to create a tabbed table with the tabs on the left side of the table. CDPRETABLE_FIELDDRIVEN must also be set. Also set the CDPRETABLEBEGIN ViewerType member to CDTABLEVIEWER_TABS.
CDPRETABLE_SHOWTABSONBOTTOM - Set flags to create a tabbed table with the tabs on the bottom of the table. CDPRETABLE_FIELDDRIVEN must also be set. Also set the CDPRETABLEBEGIN ViewerType member to CDTABLEVIEWER_TABS.
CDPRETABLE_SHOWTABSONRIGHT - Set flags to create a tabbed table with the tabs on the right side of the table. CDPRETABLE_FIELDDRIVEN must also be set. Also set the CDPRETABLEBEGIN ViewerType member to CDTABLEVIEWER_TABS.
Description :