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Symbolic Value : Rich Text

#include <editods.h>

Symbolic Values :

CDTABLECELL_USE_BKGCOLOR      -  A cell background color is specified.

CDTABLECELL_USE_V42BORDERS    -  The table was created with Domino or Notes Release 4.5 or later and contains border width information not available in previous releases.

CDTABLECELL_INVISIBLEH    -  Set if this cell is one of a group of merged cells, is spanned (made invisible) and is in the same row as the cell that is doing the spanning.

CDTABLECELL_INVISIBLEV    -  Set if this cell is one of a group of merged cells, is spanned (made invisible) and is not in the same row as the cell that is doing the spanning.

CDTABLECELL_USE_GRADIENT      -  The cell background uses a top to bottom gradient.

CDTABLECELL_VALIGNCENTER      -  Align cell contents vertically to the center.

CDTABLECELL_GRADIENT_LTR      -  The cell background uses a gradient left to right gradient.

CDTABLECELL_VALIGNBOTTOM      -  Align cell contents vertically to the bottom.

CDTABLECELL_COLUMN_HEADER     -  The cell column header.

CDTABLECELL_ROW_HEADER    -  The cell row header.

Description :

Flags that further describe a cell in a table.