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Symbolic Value : DDE

#include <editods.h>

Symbolic Values :

DDEFLAGS_AUTOLINK     -  Link type == Automatic (hot).

DDEFLAGS_MANUALLINK   -  Link type == Manual (warm).

DDEFLAGS_EMBEDDED     -  Embedded document exists.

DDEFLAGS_INITIATE     -  Used on paste to indicate not to prompt user to initiate link.

DDEFLAGS_CDP      -  Used on paste to indicate that server uses Compound Document protocol.

DDEFLAGS_NOTES_LAUNCHED   -  Used on CDP paste/load to indicate that Notes launched the application to establish original conversation.

DDEFLAGS_CONV_ACTIVE      -  Used on non-CDP paste/load to indicate that conversation is already active.

DDEFLAGS_EMBEDEXTRACTED   -  Used on non-CDP paste/load to indicate that Notes extracted the embedded file so that it may later be closed.

DDEFLAGS_NEWOBJECT    -  Set if this DDE Range is a new inserted object which contains no embedded object yet, i.e. a "blank" object.

Description :

These values specify the DDE link flag used in the structure, CDDDEBEGIN.