Symbolic Value : Constants
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_xxx - Specfic HTML client events.
#include <editods.h>
Symbolic Values :
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_QUERYOPEN - Before the form is opened
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_QUERYMODE - Before the form is changed to Read or Edit mode
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_POSTMODE - After the form is changed to Read or Edit mode
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_POSTRECALC - After the form is refreshed (and values are recalculated)
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_POSTSAVE - After the form is saved
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_POSTSEND - After the form is sent
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_QUERYRECALC - Before the form is refreshed
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_FORM_QUERYSEND - Before the form is sent
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYOPEN - Before the view is opened
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_POSTOPEN - After the view is opened
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_REGIONDBLCLK - Region in a calendar view or folder is double-clicked
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYOPENDOC - Before a document is loaded
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYRECALC - Before the view is refreshed
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYADDTOFOLDER - Before the document is added to a folder
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYPASTE - Before a paste operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_POSTPASTE - After a paste operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYDRAGDROP - Before a drag and drop operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_POSTDRAGDROP - After a drag and drop operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYCLOSE - The view is being closed
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_ONOBJECTEXECUTE - Object is activated by an OLE2 server that is FX/NotesFlow enabled
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYOPEN - Before the database is opened
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_POSTOPEN - After the database is opened
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_DOCDELETE - After a document is deleted (the document is still available)
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYCLOSE - The database is being closed
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYDELETE - Before a document is marked for deletion
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYUNDELETE - Before a document is unmarked for deletion
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYDRAGDROP - Before a drag and drop operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_POSTDRAGDROP - After a drag and drop operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_QUERYENTRYRESIZE - Before a drag operation in a calendar folder or view
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_POSTENTRYRESIZE - After a drag operation in a calendar folder or view
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_VIEW_INVIEWEDIT - Relates to in view editing
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_SCHED_INTERVALCHANGE - Relates to a scheduled interval change event
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_QUERYARCHIVEDRAGDROP - Before an archive drag and drop operation
HTML_EVENT_CLIENT_DB_POSTARCHIVEDRAGDROP - After an archive drag and drop operation
Description :
See Also : CDEVENT