Symbolic Value : Miscellaneous
ISxxx - Bit field values for STYLE member of FONTIDFIELDS.
#include <fontid.h>
Symbolic Values :
ISBOLD - Text in the CDTEXT item will be in boldface.
ISITALIC - Text in the CDTEXT item will be in italics.
ISUNDERLINE - Text in the CDTEXT item will be underlined.
ISSTRIKEOUT - Text in the CDTEXT item will be Struck out.
ISSUPER - Text in the CDTEXT item will be superscripted
ISSUB - Text in the CDTEXT item will be subscripted.
ISEFFECT - Text in the following CDTEXT item will be of a special effect style: shadowed, embossed, or extruded.
ISSHADOW - Text in the following CDTEXT item will be shadowed.
ISEMBOSS - Text in the following CDTEXT item will be embossed. Embossed text is text that appears to be sticking out of the page.
ISEXTRUDE - Text in the following CDTEXT item will be extruded. Extruded text is text that appears to be pushed into the page.
Description :
These defines are used to specify font style attributes (bold, italic, etc.) in the FONTID field in a CDTEXT item. These values may be combined by bitwise OR-ing them together.