NAME xxx
Symbolic Value : Address Book
NAME_xxx - Options for function NAMEGetAddressBooks().
#include <lookup.h>
Symbolic Values :
NAME_GET_AB_TITLES - Add the title of the database to each entry in the buffer returned by NAMEGetAddressBooks.
NAME_DEFAULT_TITLES - If NAME_GET_AB_TITLES is specified then return the database path in place of the title for any database that has no title. NAME_DEFAULT_TITLES has no effect if NAME_GET_AB_TITLES is not also specified.
NAME_GET_AB_FIRSTONLY - Return only the first Address book in use locally or Domino Directory on a server.
NAME_GET_MAB_ONLY - Return only the name of the Directory Assistance Database.
NAME_GET_ED_ONLY - Get server based Enterprise Directory name only.
NAME_INCLUDE_ED - Include server based Enterprise Directory as the last Domino Directory.
NAME_GET_ALL_EDS - Get All enterprise Directories.
NAME_ADMIN_ONLY - Include only NAB's that this server is the administration server of.
NAME_INCLUDE_CONFIGNAB - Include Configuration (userless) NAB's.
NAME_CONFIG_ONLY - Include First AB that has configuration information.
Description :
These flags modify the behavior of function NAMEGetAddressBooks(). The wOptions parameter to NAMEGetAddressBooks may be zero or any combination of these flags bitwise OR'd together.
If none of these flags are set in the wOptions parameter to NAMEGetAddresssBooks, then the buffer returned contains a list of Address Book database file paths.
See Also : NAMEGetAddressBooks OSPathNetParse