Symbolic Value : Views
NAVIGATE_xxx [PREVxxx] - How NIFReadEntries steps through a collection.
#include <nif.h>
Symbolic Values :
NAVIGATE_PREV - Previous entry over entire tree (opposite order of PREORDER).
NAVIGATE_PREV_PEER - Previous node at our level.
NAVIGATE_PREV_MAIN - CURRENT_MAIN, then PREV_PEER only if already there.
NAVIGATE_PREV_UNREAD - PREV, but only "unread" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_UNREAD_MAIN - Previous unread main.
NAVIGATE_PREV_SELECTED - PREV, but only "selected" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_SELECTED_MAIN - Previous selected main.
NAVIGATE_PREV_EXPANDED - PREV, but only "expanded" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_EXPANDED_UNREAD - PREV, but only "expanded" AND "unread" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_EXPANDED_SELECTED - PREV, but only "expanded" AND "selected" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_EXPANDED_CATEGORY - PREV, but only "expanded" AND "category" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_EXP_NONCATEGORY - PREV, but only "expanded" "non-category" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_HIT - PREV, but only FTSearch "hit" entries (in the SAME ORDER as the hit's relevance ranking).
NAVIGATE_PREV_SELECTED_HIT - PREV, but only "selected" and FTSearch "hit" entries (in the SAME ORDER as the hit's relevance ranking).
NAVIGATE_PREV_UNREAD_HIT - PREV, but only "unread" and FTSearch "hit" entries (in the SAME ORDER as the hit's relevance ranking).
NAVIGATE_PREV_CATEGORY - PREV, but only "category" entries.
NAVIGATE_PREV_NONCATEGORY - PREV, but only "non-category" entries.
Description :
These flags control how NIFReadEntries steps through a collection. The flags are used to control both the order in which NIFReadEntries: skips notes in a collection before reading any notes, and navigates the collection while it is being read.
See Also : NIFReadEntries