Symbolic Value : Miscellaneous
OS_TRANSLATE_xxx - Controls the direction in which OSTranslate converts strings.
#include <osmisc.h>
Symbolic Values :
OS_TRANSLATE_NATIVE_TO_LMBCS - Convert the input string from the machine's native character set to LMBCS (optimized for Group 1).
OS_TRANSLATE_LMBCS_TO_NATIVE - Convert the input string from LMBCS (optimized for Group 1) to the machine's native character set.
OS_TRANSLATE_LOWER_TO_UPPER - Current international case table.
OS_TRANSLATE_UPPER_TO_LOWER - Current international case table.
OS_TRANSLATE_UNACCENT - International unaccenting table.
OS_TRANSLATE_OSNATIVE_TO_LMBCS - Convert the input string from DOS (code page) to LMBCS (optimized for Group 1).
OS_TRANSLATE_LMBCS_TO_OSNATIVE - Convert the input string from LMBCS (optimized for Group 1) to DOS.
OS_TRANSLATE_LMBCS_TO_ASCII - Convert the input string from LMBCS to character text.
OS_TRANSLATE_LMBCS_TO_UNICODE - Convert the input string from LMBCS to UNICODE.
OS_TRANSLATE_LMBCS_TO_UTF8 - Convert the input string from LMBCS to UTF8.
OS_TRANSLATE_UNICODE_TO_LMBCS - Convert the input string from UNICODE to LMBCS.
OS_TRANSLATE_UTF8_TO_LMBCS - Convert the input string from UTF8 to LMBCS.
Description :
These flags control the direction in which OSTranslate converts character strings -- either LMBCS to native, or native to LMBCS.
LMBCS is the Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set.
See Also : OSTranslate